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Please carefully read all of our policies before
registering for a class or program.



Separation Policy


Little Bee Learning Studio follows gentle separation practices. We follow each child on an individual basis and work with families to make the transition as comfortable as possible. In order to feel successful in class, children must feel secure within the environment after saying good-bye to their caregiver. Teachers will use careful discretion as to the appropriate time for a caregiver to return if a child experiences difficulty with separation. We encourage all families to read our Separation Guide before beginning class.



Behavior Policy


Occasional hitting, pushing, biting, and grabbing are all age appropriate behaviors for young children. We help children learn to self-regulate and use language to communicate their feelings more appropriately. Our small class size and child-to-teacher ratio allows for personalized attention, so that we can model appropriate language and allow children to practice using it. Reoccurring negative behaviors are the child’s way of communicating to us, so we observe and analyze the behaviors in order to provide the best support for the child and work towards prosocial behaviors.


It is important for caregivers to work with our teachers as a team. We will communicate openly with families to ensure the child is getting consistent support in managing behaviors. If a child’s negative behaviors become excessive we will meet with the family to create a plan, in which we can all help the child work toward more prosocial behaviors. Behaviors that result in mild injuries such as biting, scratching, hitting, etc. will be disclosed to both families of the children involved with anonymity.


Kindly note that while our teachers are experienced early childhood educators they are not professional behaviorists or therapists. If a child is struggling with certain challenging behaviors teachers and/or administrators may recommend consulting your pediatrician or a professional to evaluate and better manage the behavior. Little Bee’s programs are inclusive and aim to help all children with social development, however, classes are not solely social skills groups. If a child’s consistent challenging behaviors are hindering their learning experience and the experience of other classmates a Behavior Action Plan will be implemented to help the family and teachers work together to create a supportive learning experience.


We aim to be inclusive to children of all backgrounds and needs provided the child can function successfully with appropriate supports in our environment.


Discipline Policy


At Little Bee Learning Studio, we strive for happy and productive classes. We recognize that young children have big feelings, and are still developing impulse control while discovering and testing limits. These behaviors can often be treated as teachable moments, and teachers will provide appropriate boundaries and limits to keep all children safe. We aim to support the social-emotional development of each child by addressing their emotions during times of conflict and modeling appropriate language, as opposed to punishing them.


We do not give time-outs to children. If a child does need to be separated from the group a teacher will stay with them to provide necessary support.


Gender Policy


Little Bee Learning Studio enrolls children of any gender regardless of the ratio of girls or boys in the class. 




Health and Safety


Potty Training


Children are not required to be potty trained for any programs at Little Bee Learning Studio. It is common that children do potty train throughout the year while attending our programs. When you choose to start potty training your child we ask that parents communicate via e-mail their approach to potty training and routine. We ask that this is sent via e-mail to have available for reference. Please indicate how often your child should use the potty, if they should be asked/prompted to use the potty, if they have specific cues/signs or words they use to communicate when they need to go and any other important information. This helps to ensure we are providing consistency for the child during this transitional time.



Sick Policy


In order to limit the spread of illness please do not bring your child to class if they are exhibiting the following symptoms:

- Fever within the past 24 hours

- Diarrhea or vomiting within the past 24 hours

- Undiagnosed rash or skin irritation

- Contagious illness (regardless of whether or not there is a fever)

- If the child’s symptoms inhibit them from functioning independently


If any of these symptoms arise during the class time, the child’s caregiver will be called to pick them up immediately.


If your child is sick and must visit the pediatrician please provide a doctor’s note stating they are able to return to class.


If a child or teacher tests positive for COVID-19 the local health department will be contacted to obtain the most up to date procedures for limiting the spread of the virus. Families of any children in contact with the teacher or student will be notified.




Allergy Policy


All caregivers MUST notify us of any allergies a child has before beginning a class series.

  • We are a nut sensitive facility. Please do not bring any items with peanuts, peanut butter, granola bars with nuts, etc.

  • We are also an allergy sensitive facility and will work with each family on a case by case basis.

  • If your child has an EpiPen you must provide a signed formal note stating that our teachers have permission to use the EpiPen should a situation arise.

  • Always send an EpiPen with your child to class.



Food Preparation Policy:


Please adhere to common choking hazard guidelines and prepare food appropriately. Listed below are foods that can be a choking hazard for children under 4 years old.

  • Uncut grapes

  • Hot dogs

  • Chunks of meat or cheese

  • Popcorn

  • Raw carrots


We ask that families do not send their child with any food items listed above unless properly prepared. Should a child be sent to class with any of these items they will not be given to the child to eat.



Dismissal Policy


At the end of class, we will only send children home with their primary caregivers or individuals that have been approved by the primary caregivers. Caregivers must inform us prior to class of any person who will pick-up their child and provide a photo for identification. If we have not been notified beforehand of an individual coming to pick-up a child, we will not release them until we have spoken with the primary caregiver and given explicit permission. Please also provide the phone number if the primary caregiver is unable to be reached during pick-up time. 



Missed Class Make-Up & Refund Policy

Make-up classes are not guaranteed, but will be accommodated to the best of our ability. Little Bee Learning Studio will work with each family to provide make-ups based on our availability and schedule. There are no refunds for missed or cancelled classes unless the class is cancelled by Little Bee Learning Studio.


In the event of inclement weather Little Bee Learning Studio will alert families of any cancellations via e-mail and provide a make-up class date.


Any credits issued for class cancellations are good for one year from the date the credit was issued.

Studio Locations:                                P: 201-685-0944
163 4th Street, Hoboken     
450 7th Street, Hoboken
187 Maplewood Avenue, Maplewood
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